

Recycle Your Leaves

Posted on 09/22/20 by Elizabeth in Educational Outreach

Fall is here and before we know it the leaves will be falling as we transition from summer to winter. This year we would like to encourage you to consider recycling your leaves rather than piling them at the curb for city pick up. In nature, leaves are left on the forest floor to be decomposed by worms, bacteria,... read more

That Sure Was a Big Rain, Wasn’t It… Wasn’t It?

Posted on 09/16/20 by Jared in Educational Outreach

A bioretention cell takes water from the street during the Labor Day storm.

Like most other residents of Cuyahoga County, I was bombarded by phone alerts, social media posts and radio reports of heavy rain and flash flooding on Labor Day morning. I even had to take a detour on my way home from a short shopping trip due to flooding in the Jennings Rd./Harvard Ave. area. Unlike most other residents of... read more

Crappiest Dog Contest wrap up

Posted on 09/08/20 by Amy in Educational Outreach

Why the heck would we ever have a contest about dogs pooping? Well, because I've been in education for over 25 years and I know you have to mix it up a bit to get a message across. And besides, I'm gross sometimes. Also, I don't own a dog and I giggle every time I see a dog in that... read more

FOEC September Update

Posted on 09/03/20 by Elizabeth in Euclid Creek Watershed

Dear FOEC Friends, I hope some of you were able to tune into the Cleveland Sustainability Climate Change program. We are waiting for the video link for those who missed it. The FOEC/Euclid Creek Watershed Program semi-annual newsletter will be coming to you shortly either by mail or email. Please note the summary of our Euclid Creek Water Monitoring... read more

Bring a Little Nature Inside

Posted on 09/01/20 by Jakob in Urban Agriculture

Some moss on a rock pile.

As more and more events get canceled, and I acquire more and more free time, my delve into the far reaches of YouTube has come across some interesting topics. Old tool restoration, magnet fishing, deep dives into movies I have never seen, among other things. One piqued my interest more so than the others. Terrarium construction. I found... read more


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